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get signed up, spots go fast!!!
booster club - important dates:
september 8th (and every thursday am leading up to
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amazon part time jobs for students work from home conditioning) 7:30 attd. building cafe - dedication daysoctober 24th conditioning begins
october 31st annual golf tournament at brookstone (see link below)
november 18 right after school in the ab cafeteria is our players hoya baseball thanksgiving dinner.
january 4,5,6: staff meetings
january 7: field work day
january 9: 1st day of tryouts (moved up per ghsa)
tryout info and basics are under the "player information" tab!!!
january 18: teams will be picked tonight
january 19: team meeting in attd. building cafe 3:35
january 23: parent meeting 7:00 main cafeteria
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conditioning requirements / dress code:
began monday, october 24, 2022
email coach storey with questions: jake.storey@cobbk12.org (classroom is 9126)
must have a completed and updated physical in a completed registration in "athletic registration" in student/parent vue!
- group a, mondays & wednesdays: navy top, navy or black bottom
- group b, tuesdays & thursdays: navy top, navy or black bottom
- no baseball caps, may wear stocking cap as weather dictates
- players may wear running shoes or molded cleats. no metal spikes
golf tournament - www.harrisonbaseball.org/golf-tournament.html
ziegler's bbq - player's will receive info and order forms at conditioning. group a (oct. 24) group b (oct. 25)
boston butt sales begin october 24 and orders must be in november 3
- each player is required to sell 10 - they will go quick - get yours while you can
see a '23 potential hoya baseball player
email coach storey jake.storey@cobbk12.org
raffle – as of december 12, the raffle is open until jan. 9 ($ is due upon arrival to tryouts)
see any hoya trying out for baseball this season to buy your ticket
each ticket is $20
each player is being asked to sell 15 tickets
prizes for the drawing on january 12th are as follows #1 - $1,000 #2 - $500 #3 - 250
winners will be notified personally. we will also post winners names on hoya baseball social media platforms as well.
corporate sponsor program - - forms at bottom of page
one of the biggest money contributions to the hoya baseball program is corporate sponsors.
the financial goal for each family is $750 in corporate sponsors and $750 for booster club dues.
any money you raise in sponsorship beyond $750 goes toward your booster club dues. so if you raise
$1500 in sponsorships, there will be no dues to pay.
the corporate sponsorship form is attached below as well as a letter with our tax id number.
all corporate sponsors and booster club dues must be turned in by tba.
make all checks out to harrison baseball booster club, inc
the mailing address is:
harrison baseball booster club, inc
1720 mars hill rd
ste 8, pmb 184
acworth, ga 30101
or you can give it to jason walling or bj hall.
*please email all corporate sponsorship information and logos to bjhalljr@comcast.net
if you have any questions, please contact one of us.
bj hall- bjhalljr@comcast.net
kim scott- kimscott1613@gmail.com
booster club dues - $850.00
any money you raise in corporate sponsorship beyond $750 goes toward your booster club dues.
raise $1500.00 in corporate sponsorship - dues are covered
letter writing / e-mail campaign – tba
2023 (will post soon) schedule
game schedules:
regions standings:
2023 varsity schedule: view
2023 max preps: view
2023 jr. varsity schedule: view
baseball equipment:
click link for guidelines regarding acceptable “personal” baseball equipment for our players. this has been posted since 11-4-16.
view requirements
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the team comes first. information about physical education electives / expectations for hoya baseball
is listed below in link:
view requirements